Wednesday 4 April 2018

The new processing technology with optimal kinetics of flotation!

The technology is designed for the processing of porphyry ores with a high content of silicates (SiO2). The technology can be used for the flotation of Au, Cu, Fe, Mo, Pb, Zn and other porphyry ores. The process optimization enables to increase a speed of flotation. The proposed technology reduces the number of cleaners, increases a recovery, and improves a performance of the Plant and other indicators. 
The proposed technology is based on my own know-how.

It is easier to prevent problems than to fight them later.

The technology allows preventing the occurrence of major problems in the flotation of minerals or reducing their negative impact.

The advantages of the proposed technology:

  • Increasing the recovery of valuable mineral into the concentrate with the same quality concentrate (or improve the quality of concentrate).
  • Increasing the speed of flotation.
  • Reducing the viscosity of the pulp.
  • Reducing the number of cleaners.
  • Reduction the number of flotation cells with the same performance of Plant (or increased performance with the same number of cells).
  • Savings on chemicals.
  • Savings on energy.
  • Reducing the load on the equipment, increasing its resources.    
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

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