Dear friends. You offer me to develop a business in my country.
But, what country are we talking about? What does “my country” mean? I am a man of the world, cosmopolitan. I am out of politics. I feel myself so. For me, all countries are mine.
See my diagram. Criteria of Petrovskaya: metals – minerals – deposits – technologies. Where is no the country, the state.
I look and choose only minerals and deposits. But not
countries. I can choose the best deposit, equipment, reagents, create
technology and get profit.
As for the political system, stability, etc., you decide which country is best for you business, I am not a politician.
As a person who is responsible and honest, I can tell you
frankly that I will not vouch for anyone (person, team, enterprise …).
I am confident only in myself.
Therefore, if we are talking about relatively small investments (about USD 10-20 millions), then I can recommend you to invest in me, this is the most reliable investment.
So, my business plan is an investment in me and under my name. Then
we decide what is best for you, we can determine in detail the larger
investments (under USD 1 billion and more): where and how to do it
better. To determine this, I need to work hard and count.
No one (except the scammer) can tell you reliably on the fly: “Now this is the right thing to do! Invest only there!”
All the available information about the object, calculations and experience are needed to say this. Hurry up, because I may be busy in another project very soon.
Ores of Americas is very different from the ore of Eurasia. Therefore ore of Americas the need for additional reagents modifiers that must to use all Plants. I have a lot of experience and I know how to do it.
Sphere of my activity - concentration, separation of minerals (all minerals and all known methods of enrichment).
Now most of the decisions in the field of flotation reagents and flotation of minerals of the western coast of North and South America. We're talking about following countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, etc
I am ready to unite our efforts. If you have any ideas to join our efforts, please contact me.
We really appreciate your opinion. Our solutions are created just for companies such as yours. Our solutions do not infringe on someone else's trade secret. It is entirely - the result of our personal research and ideas. Yes, our solutions are not protected by patents, but they are the ready foundation of patent (maybe even a general patent). We just sell the solution as it is, here and now. Patented solutions would be worth much more expensive (x10). The solutions may affect to the balance of power in the market of chemical reagents for flotation of ores and in the mining sector. Therefore, as you understand, the prospects for growth are great.
Bad advice 2.Believe
the promises of brokers, geologists, consultants, friends and
acquaintances! Believe a large number of likes and positive comments at
the Internet, a large number of signatures and recommendations of
authorized persons. Do not hesitate, do not delve into the process, do
not check anything, just buy or invest! Here are a lot of them! They have a unanimous opinion, so it is true. They know what they say, probably?!
The main thing is to do it very
quickly! What the independent experts and independent additional
samples and studies? Just no time! Such treasure will immediately go to
someone more nimble!
Anyway, that’s how many papers already
signed. Enough of these documents! After all, these authorized people
with degrees could not sign something if they were not completely sure
that everything is OK! However, confuses the fact that many of the
signatories were from different countries and very distant … But it is
even better! World experience in action! However, do these respected
people with degrees know about their signatures on documents? Let your hope warms you that billionaires, who make their fortunes in mining, exist and you will soon join their ranks.
My expert opinion on this situation
Tell me, would you buy a work of art for several hundred
million dollars without the conclusion of several independent experts?
Probably not.
There are very few true experts in art, but there are a lot of fakes.
The services of experts are expensive, but much cheaper than the price
of the very work of art. Only experts can distinguish a masterpiece from
a fake. Fraudsters often forge their signatures, and experts themselves
are subjected to pressure and threats.
I am a disinterested person. I do not care. It is your choice, your money and your decision.
But no one can make a masterpiece from a fake. This is
cheating and / or self-deception. However, there are always those who
are happy to be deceived.
At mining, everything is like at art, only more complicated. There is
no clear boundary between the fake and the original. After all, one
master – Mother Nature, creates both. She has one style for all her
works: masterpieces, drafts and just creative garbage. Try to
distinguish them!
The price of the issue: Several billion dollars (or more) spent on the mineral field, infrastructure and plant (a typical project without calculations).
Then, without seeing tangible results, you will start going to the
laboratories for many years so that they can get at least something from
your “ore” for you. After decades, you will pay for the services of
almost all laboratories in the world.
Why do you need all this?
As a result, you will come to me with the last hope. I
undertake the implementation of only those projects that can be
implemented with a guaranteed profit at the present level of development
of science and technology. But I do not undertake the implementation of
projects that can not be completed in 1-3 years. More…
Consider each “mineral field” as fake until you CONVINCINGLY prove the opposite!
A wise person will first get my conclusion from me directly to know if the discovery is a true mine, or is it another fake. More…
We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:
You did the right thing to turn to me. We will help you make good use of your money to profit.
We are the only creators, developers and right-holders of our developments. We do not have intermediaries.
In connection with the unhealthy interest and aggressive hunting of a number of countries and large companies to my science-intensive products, there is no a privacy of my correspondence in e-mail and social networks.
Therefore, for serious negotiations, you can use the Telegram Secret Chat here:
(it is better to use only this type of communication in all cases).
We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:
Could you clarify the specific problems and tasks of the mineral processing that interest you?