Friday 26 October 2018

Plants want to use and buy these reagents. However, until now none of the manufacturers of the reactants can not offer an effective way of using these reagents

Ores of Americas is very different from the ore of Eurasia. Therefore ore of Americas the need for additional reagents modifiers that must to use all Plants. I have a lot of experience and I know how to do it.

I am very pleased to announce that I opened online "THE STORE  OF  MY  IDEAS  AND  TECHNOLOGICAL  SOLUTIONS".

There are also a consultation and services “THE  CONSULTING  ON  CONCENTRATION  OF  MINERALS” .

Sphere of my activity - concentration, separation of minerals (all minerals and all known methods of enrichment).

Now most of the decisions in the field of flotation reagents and flotation of minerals of the western coast of North and South America. We're talking about following countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, etc

I am ready to unite our efforts. If you have any ideas to join our efforts, please contact me.

We really appreciate your opinion.
Our solutions are created just for companies such as yours. Our solutions do not infringe on someone else's trade secret. It is entirely - the result of our personal research and ideas.
Yes, our solutions are not protected by patents, but they are the ready foundation of patent (maybe even a general patent). We just sell the solution as it is, here and now. Patented solutions would be worth much more expensive (x10).
The solutions may affect to the balance of power in the market of chemical reagents for flotation of ores and in the mining sector. Therefore, as you understand, the prospects for growth are great.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

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