Sunday 5 November 2017

ENRICHMENT THEORY. Part 2. How to become a Metallurgical King. By Ph.D. Igor Bobin and Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Do you dream of becoming a Metallurgical King?
Do you want to buy a new mineral deposit and build a processing plant?
Someone persuaded you to invest in the shares of the mining and metallurgical industry?

We also often get offers from brokers, geologists and other people to invest in a metallurgical project. Let's see where are pitfalls here.

In this part we will explain to you what risks and uncertainties you have when buying a new mineral deposit.

In our opinion, even many well-known multinational mining and metallurgical corporations have bought problem deposits recently.

Some people don’t yet see the problem. But this is a temporary phenomenon.

Second people have already dug a pit and many years are waiting for someone to develop a processing technology for their ore. For many years they have only spending and no income.

Still others were able to build the plant to process the ore, but did not make a profit. What is their problem?

You can avoid unnecessary costs and make profit even tomorrow with our help.

A good mineral deposit is a rare find. Not every occurrence of minerals is a true mineral deposit.

For example, under the guise of REE deposits, they can sell an occurrence containing apatite, thorite, fluorite, brockite and many others. Such “deposits” are unpromising for the production of REE.

From apatite you can get only mineral fertilizers. You can become an ordinary fertilizer producer, but you will never become a Rare Earth King.

You didn’t dream about this!
We can give a lot of such examples. We presented in the table only a few real examples:
 THEORY OF ENRICHMENT By Ph.D. Igor Bobin and Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

What risks do you have at this stage?

The risks are very high. You risk losing up to several billion dollars and getting stuck for 10-20 years in anticipation of a miracle.

At best, you will be forced to build several costly plants to get at least some product. Your real incomes will be one order of magnitude lower than the incomes you expect.

In the worst case, you will not get any product. You lost your money.

We know many examples where different tailing dumps, slurry waste, overburden rock (also called waste or spoil) are sold under the guise of mineral deposits.

The key to success is laid here! Don’t invest your money in risky projects!

We will help you choose the right deposit of light-enriching ores and minerals that can easily be separated from each other with low costs.

Are you tired of the fact that geologists yearly carry out expensive exploratory drilling, metallurgists make numerous expensive experiments in laboratories and the result is still not there?

We will help to dispel your doubts. We will determine if your occurrence is true mineral deposit. Maybe this really is the realization of your dreams and you need to continue. Or maybe it's time to stop spending millions on additional drilling and experiments and get out of the project before it's too late. After all, further spending will increase and can reach billion of dollars or more.

Do you still dream of becoming a Metallurgical King?

The beginning of success is based on the correct choice of the mineral deposit.

Imagine that you are the film director and you cast the actors for the main role in a blockbuster. You must choose the one that will lead your film (or project) to success, from thousands of applicants. Here you can not be mistaken. You can’t choose "by acquaintance" or any other personal reasons. You can’t go all-in or trust a decision to someone. For you, the price of wrong choice here is very high.

Therefore, as well you should choose the one mineral deposit from thousands of applicants for your purse. Only in this case you can be the Golden King, Copper, Platinum, Titan, Nickel or REE King (or others).

How to do it? What criteria exist? - It is just magic!

  •     We will help you to do this.
  •     We will help you become the Metallurgical King.
  •     We will help you choose the best mineral deposit.
  •     We will help you to see the real prospects of the future mineral field.
  •     We will help you assess the risks of the new mineral field, taking into account the risks of technology in the ore processing.
  •     We will help you to avoid unreasonable and useless costs even before a planning stage.

You can contact our website for more information

Contact us directly. Don’t buy anything without our independent assessment - this is too risky. Don't succumb to cheap promises and simple solutions. Anything of these doesn't exist. Each step can lead you to great loss. Remember that! We will share with you the knowledge that any expert doesn't have in the world! We know everything in the mineral enrichment. We have no competitors. Only we can theoretically calculate and simulate FOR YOU the UNIQUE TECHNOLOGY, which anybody doesn't have in the world.

Hurry, because our small team may be busy again on another project, and you will have to wait.
Give yourself a chance to become rich and to earn billions!

© Ph.D. Igor Bobin, Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
April 16, 2017

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