Tuesday 7 November 2017


Sorption of flotation reagents at interfaces occurs spontaneously and is accompanied by a loss of free surface energy. Changing the standard free energy Gibbs ΔG0 in the sorption of flotoreagents at the interface is described by Gibbs [1].
For the thermodynamic probable processes accompanied by energy loss, the value of Gibbs free energy
ΔG0 should have a negative value.

Example 1. On the surface of pyrite FeS2 there is the surface compound of ethyl xanthate of iron Fe(C2H5OCSS)2. The surface compound is formed as a result of chemical sorption and it consists of ethyl xanthate anions C2H5OCSS- and iron cations Fe2+. Can hydroxyl ions OH- to displace from the surface of pyrite the anions of ethyl xanthate C2H5OCSS- and to form the new surface compound of ferric hydroxide Fe(ОН)2 as a result of chemical sorption?
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Since ΔG0 is negative, the flow of this process is thermodynamically probable. This reaction is used for the depression of pyrite by lime.
The results of the practice argue that, with the chemical sorption of xanthate, poorly soluble compound of xanthate of iron
Fe(C2H5OCSS)2 is formed on the surface of pyrite. This compound can be removed from the pyrite surface only with using its displacing by the hydroxyl ions, which are actively interact with the iron cations Fe2+ to form ferric hydroxide Fe(ОН)2.

Example 2. You should assess the thermodynamic probability of the film formation of lead sulfide PbS on the surface of cerussite PbCO3 after exposure of sodium sulfide Na2S.
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Since ΔG0 is negative, the flow of this process is thermodynamically probable. This reaction is used in sulphidation of oxidized lead minerals (PbCO3).
Example 3. You should assess the thermodynamic probability of sorption of copper cations Cu2+ on sphalerite ZnS.
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Since ΔG0 is negative, the flow of this process is thermodynamically probable. This reaction is used to activate sphalerite by copper sulfate.
Example 4. You should evaluate the thermodynamic probability of sorption of ethyl xanthate on the unoxidized (unmodified) surface of galena:
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Since ΔG0 is positive, the flow of this process is thermodynamically incredible. This is confirmed by the practice of the flotation. The mineral surface should be partially oxidized to fix the xanthate. This is imperative.

Example 5.
You should rate thermodynamic probability of xanthate sorption after the partial oxidation of the surface of galena:
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Since ΔG0 is negative in both cases, the flow of this process is thermodynamically probable. The mineral surface should be partially oxidized to fix the xanthate.

Example 6.
You should rate thermodynamic probability of the oleic acid fixing on the surface of fluorite

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Since ΔG0 is negative, the flow of this process is thermodynamically probable.

  1. N. Petróvskaya. Fundamentos de la teoría de flotación (Libro), 2007.
  2.  Concentration of minerals

© Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

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