Wednesday 21 March 2018

Our advice to owners & investors

Do you dream of becoming a Metallurgical King?
Do you want to buy a new mineral deposit and build a processing plant?
Someone persuaded you to invest in the shares of the mining and metallurgical industry?

We also often get offers from brokers, geologists and other people to invest in a metallurgical project. Let's see where are pitfalls here. In this part we will explain to you what risks and uncertainties you have when buying a new mineral deposit.   More....

Theory of enrichment By Ph.D. Igor Bobin and Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Really the life separates everything into rich and poor: states, cities, people, languages, forests, seas and ores. But this order of things is very conditional and dynamical. Everything flows and changes. A poor city turns into glittering megalopolis, a deluxe company goes bankrupt and pauper people get rich. Like any poor ore can be converted into a rich concentrate, and an average person can get a fabulous capital. We know many examples of this. But how to do it in the mining sector, for example?       More...

I have always been intrigued by extraterrestrial fiction movies with realistic scenes of colonization of other planets and galaxies by earthlings.
In such films, the mining industry takes an important place: mines, stone pits and processing plants on other planets. These details of the plot are present in almost all the films of this genre.

However, often mining and processing units are very superficial, tangential in movies.
I can speculate about the reasons for these. It is most likely that the directors of the films are afraid to show the mining industry in more detail in order to avoid the criticism of professionals and skeptics. Also fresh ideas are needed. More...

Currently, I often meet many projects where they offer in situ leaching of ores (In situ leaching, In-situ leaching (ISL), in-situ recovery (ISR), solution  mining).
Today they use ISL for ores containing: Uranium, Gold, Copper.
Manufacturers of reagents do not have a wide assortment of reagents!    More...

Small investments can guarantee big profits

I liked the film "Moneyball". The baseball club was in a difficult situation, the best players left, and the club's funding is 2.5-5 times less than that of other clubs. How to achieve victory?
How to achieve victory?
You must be ready to give up stereotypes to win. 

Recycling is the reprocessing of waste.
I have been engaged in recycling of mining and metallurgical wastes for more than 25 years, so I am very well versed in this field. Often recycling is of positive significance. I know such examples.
However, recently the concept of "recycling" has been used in questionable schemes.
The purpose of such schemes is to make you pay several times for the same product.
I will give you an example based on real events that are currently taking place.One company suggested you to extract 100 tons of gold from the mineral deposit. The volume of investments is 350 million dollars. Not bad!?
But there was an ordinary story and this money was not enough. The volume of investments in the end amounted to 1 billion dollars.
The plant built did not give the expected results. They used a technology that was not suitable for this ore, so the company extracted only 20 tons of gold. They lost 80 tons of gold and transferred them to waste.You are angry and furious. You mourn for your lost profits and your lost money.
And here the company offers you a new solution - RECYCLING! More....

Placer deposits are the coastal sands, which are located along the shores of oceans, seas and rivers. Placers are occupied from hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers along the coast. Placer deposits are a traditional source of the production of zirconium, rare earth, titanium, tantalum, niobium, tin metals. Mining and processing of placer deposits are very developed throughout the world. More...


Assume that you are an owner or a manager of mining and metallurgical Plant, and you have a need to solve some complex technical problem (to develop a project of a new Plant, a new technology, to optimize the processes, to change the equipment, software, etc.). You can't do it yourself, because you don't have experts. By an advice of friends you are accessing to the mediation company offering engineering services and much other. "They will help me for sure here! It's all so serious, it's almost a ministry!" Maybe so. But you should not relax. After all, only you are interested in a solution of your problem. All others are only interested in your money and no one is going to save your money. That's for sure! More...

Ph.D. Igor Bobin, Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

21 March 2018

1 comment:

  1. You can free download a series of articles "Our advice to owners & investors" on our website.


    How to become a Metallurgical King

    Operate unconventionally! Do everything yourself!

    Hollywood and mining

    Placer deposits are the raw material of the future

    In situ leaching is a miracle or a new advertising move?

    Recycling of mining waste. Who will make a profit?

